paris panorama
square nadar
extinction rebellion
marseille and gap
les fantômes
paris panorama
square nadar
extinction rebellion
marseille and gap
les fantômes
medium format film photography (2014-2020)
The old Brownie cameras are a series of very simple medium format cameras, made by Kodak around 1900. They were very popular by the time, consisting on a body made of cardboard and a single meniscus lens, designed to document scenes of everyday life. Since 2012 I’ve used a Brownie camera in my photographic practice, shooting on black and white 120 film my travels to Buenos Aires (2012), Paris (2016, 2017, 2017), Berlin (2019) and Morocco (2019). I’m fascinated by how the camera is technically straightforward (without shutter settings, unable to change lenses, without zoom, entirely mechanical, electricity-free) and by it’s aesthetics (grain, texture, imperfections, blur, double exposure). While photographing with it I’m able to document traces of the present with a technical medium from the early XX century, carrying a connection between the beginnings of photography and the contemporary reality.
The old Brownie cameras are a series of very simple medium format cameras, made by Kodak around 1900. They were very popular by the time, consisting on a body made of cardboard and a single meniscus lens, designed to document scenes of everyday life. Since 2012 I’ve used a Brownie camera in my photographic practice, shooting on black and white 120 film my travels to Buenos Aires (2012), Paris (2016, 2017, 2017), Berlin (2019) and Morocco (2019). I’m fascinated by how the camera is technically straightforward (without shutter settings, unable to change lenses, without zoom, entirely mechanical, electricity-free) and by it’s aesthetics (grain, texture, imperfections, blur, double exposure). While photographing with it I’m able to document traces of the present with a technical medium from the early XX century, carrying a connection between the beginnings of photography and the contemporary reality.